Thursday, July 29, 2010

FETES DE BAYONNE - Dancing in the Streets

With the festival officially opened, the wine flowed in city hall. I was so fortunate to be included and to witness the celebration of the people who work hard and long to make this festival a reality.

The festivities on the street were calling me though so I said good-bye to my hosts and ventured out into the street. I couldn't help but smile for the next several hours as I wandered through the crowds and enjoyed people enjoying themselves.

There was music everywhere, people were still singing, dancing and, for the younger ones at least, goofing off. And of course, the wine/beer flowed freely. While many seemed to be feeling no pain, I didn't see any really rowdy behavior and I stayed out wandering through the streets until close to 3 a.m. when the bars closed.

Of course, by that time, there were a few folks who had indulged too much and were paying the consequences.

This was my last night in Bayonne and it was quite a memorable one! I didn't really want it to end, but I kept telling myself that other adventures were coming.

Bon soir and au revoir, Bayonne!

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