Wiltshire is a county in England somewhat West of London. A lot seems to go on here. Have you heard of crop circles? Thought they were all fake, did you? Guess again! While many HAVE been proven to have been made by humans, of the thousands of designs appearing here (and around the world), there are a substantial number that are different enough to raise the question...what's going on here?
While I don't know the answer to that one, I was hoping to get to see one while here. Alas, I didn't! What I DID find was traditional and beautiful buildings/churches built of stone many hundreds of years ago.

I was able to visit a center that's set up every year during crop season to monitor and track the crop design sightings. The people here are VERY serious about this topic. I met a man going for a PhD who's doing his thesis on the crop designs.
Then there are the stone circles. These are also mysteries...many having been in place for thousands of years. Avebury is the center for the largest prehistoric "henge" in Europe, dating back to thousands of years B.C. A henge (as in Stonehenge) is actually an oval or circular trough or ditch around a higher, flatter piece of land. The little town of Avebury actually has the remnants of 3 circles around it.

White horses decorate hillsides in England with Wiltshire having most of the 13 found in the British countryside. They are formed (created?) in areas with chalky soil and are quite large. Most aren't very old (only several hundred years), but one dates back almost 3000 years. Hmmmm.
Of course, the red telephone box isn't all that wacky...unless you see one that still actually has a phone in it!
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