Thursday, July 7, 2011

More Myths, Legends and History

Glastonbury, England, has a Tor. What's a "tor" you ask??? It's the Celtic word for hill and the one at Glastonbury dominates the horizon and watches over the town. Thought, for thousands of years, to be a holy hill, the Tor is said to change people in profound ways. Belief systems that have come of age in the area have incorporated it into their teachings as mystical and powerful. SO....I had to see for myself what it was all about. The top of the Tor is about 500+ feet above the surrounding land so I figured there would be some physical effort required. The initial set of steps, which came after a sizable uphill slope, didn't look too daunting.

That soon changed!

It took about 40 minutes to climb (with rest stops for photography) to within sight of the ancient St. Michaels Tower which is roofless, by the way.

The roofless part is important since, as I drew closer, so did the cloud which hovered over me, eventually dropping a short, but steady rain. Breathless already, I couldn't pick up my pace so I just resigned myself to getting wet. I left the rain drops on the lens and photo to prove it!

Once on top, and hovering in the roofless tower with 7 others, oddly enough, my clothes dried quickly. Then the sun came out and the landscape beckoned. I walked around and around gazing in every direction and watched others do the same. I sat at the base of the tower against the warm stone and enjoyed the sun and the views. It was both peaceful and energizing.

The trip down was much easier!

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